The history of buses on La Palma

The buses are called "Guagua" on La Palma. This expression comes from Cuba. There, the English word "wagon" was pronounced "Guagon" by the locals. Over time it became "guagua" both in Cuba and among immigrants and returnees.

The bus company "Transportes Insular de La Palma", TILP for short, was founded in 1975. The island government buses have existed since 1920. Despite La Palma's 78 buses - 18 of which are suitable for people with disabilities - 94% of traffic movements are carried out by private car and 4.1% by bus.

song "the dancing bus to the carnaval of Los Llanos

historic pictures

In 1907 people still traveled through Las Manchas in carriages.

The first bus on La Palma was a Ford T with registration number 36, owned by Máximo Cutillas in 1910.

The first buses had a canvas roof and were open on the sides to be able to enjoy the landscape of La Palma. When it rained, these tarps were closed.

These three 1928 buses belonged to José Pérez Rodríguez. The bus components arrived by ship and were screwed together by employees of the bus company on La Palma.

Around 1930, numerous bus companies were established as the northern and southern circumnavigation of the island was completed. Travel north was still dangerous, as the image shows on the right.

The bus stop in Santa Cruz de La Palma.

La apertura del camino de Garafía en 1959.

A Dodge from the 50s

The Austin restored in 2015 by Transportes Insular de La Palma.

The central bus station of Los Llanos, Avenida Doctor Fleming, in the 60s on the left and the current situation on the right.