Unknown Pleasures

Kanaan & Ævestaden (NOR) - Habbor og Signe
Unknown Pleasures · 29-06-2024
It is one of the most exotic mixes I have heard during my time with Heavystoned. After the first few notes, the listener feels transported to the Middle East, or rather to Turkey, because there are a few quarter tones that our western ears immediately recognize as foreign. Then two bands actually play next to each other, for example the oriental band plays in one rehearsal room and the psychedelic band plays in the other rehearsal room, and the listener stands between the two rooms. As the song...

Bill Fisher (GBR) - How to think like a Billionaire
Unknown Pleasures · 13-05-2024
The essence of this fantastic album is the track "Consume the Heart". You recognize the melodies and vocal lines of the "Church of the cosmic Skull". Here, the focus were put on the lyrics and the voice, which both were mixed quite in front of the instruments. If you get in Bill Fisher´s voice you may found yourself between Billy Joel or Elton John when both started their career. This record and music is far from being Stoner or Fuzz or Desert; it´s a timeless stretch between early 70´s...

Dorian Sorriaux (FRA) - Children of the Moon
Unknown Pleasures · 06-05-2024
This seems to come directly from the bottom of the heart; Blues Pills was like a calculated project for me and the slow decay of the band was quite logic after this huge hype in 2014. Dorian Sorriaux took a different path; armed with his acoustic guitar, he lingers along on Neil Young paved roads à la "Harvest Moon" or "Hawks and Doves" and it feels right and good and authentic what Sorriaux is playing and singing. A record to listen in one take and after that, to switch the repeat button. A...

Pam Risourié (FRA) - Days of Distortion
Unknown Pleasures · 06-05-2024
Actually, you can´t repeat any feelings from your past life. Pam Risourié managed to put me back in 1989 to 1991, when I was completely in Sonic Youth, Mazzy Star, Eleventh Dream Day, Yo la tengo and others. This record is an authentic time capsule from the past which I keep close to my heart. Merci!!

Qōl Tōhū (FRA) - Shema d'Ta Canidia

Evening Oceans (USA) - The Great Love

Cammie Beverly (USA) - House of Grief
Unknown Pleasures · 05-04-2024
Cammie Beverly, the voice of Oceans of Slumber, released her first solo single. Her warm voice reminds me on dark, melancholic Blues, the small and direct production reminds me on Rick Rubin´s work with Johnny Cash. It´s no Heavy Music at all, but it creates heavy and deep feelings

The Soul Speaker (ITA) - Spiritual Hangover

La Ponto Ensemblo (USA) - Short Stories

Mothership Mercury (GRE) - Mothership Mercury

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