
Line-up for Berlin´s edition of this year´s Desertfest

Shorts about the Desertfest

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To install this year´s edition of the Deesertfest in the Columbia-Complex in Berlin is a logical consequence for all the organisation and promotor staffs: With a capacity of 3.500 spectators in the Columbiahalle and around 400 in the Columbiatheater in the same building, with the caracter and the sound of an opera house (sic!) and with the right distance between artists and spectator, the festival will for sure turn into something special. 

The musical range will be from Doom Metal (Church of Misery, Monolord, Messa, The Obsessed), Sludge (Mantar, Crowbar, The Great Machine, COC), Postrock (Mono, Somali Yacht Club), Spacerock (Slift), Heavy Psych (King Buffalo, Mother Engine), Progresive Rock (Blood Ceremony), just to name a few of the bands.

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