In times, when some small Pick-nick-Festival in cars or with a limited number of spectators will take place in Germany or even worse, no other festivals will take place in other European countries, the Hellfest crew launched in cooperation with the French booking-agency Rage-Tor "Hellfest from Home", an online-editon with their figureheads Tagada Jones, Loudblast, Black Bomb A, No one is innocent and others.
And if the Hellfest is doing Hellfest, it is big and perfect. Each and every band plays on a huge stage - but Pogo Car Crash Control, they performed in the iconic Leclerc supermarket -, with a perfect sound and a perfect light- and fireshow, captured with perfect directed cameras and cuts. This package is a huge sign to care for bands, fans and spectators and that the Hellfest organizers and crew are just interested in offering music to their spectators. Countless venues in Germany - like the Backstage in Munich, the MusicHall in Cologne, Barclaycard-Arena in Hamburg and others - turned into Covid-Test-Centers to receive 18€ per person and Covid-Test from ze German government in order to make cash.
Of course, the Hellfest lamented about the two cancelled editions in 2020 and 2021, but they will repeat both editions in 2022 and said: Fuck you, I won´t do what you (the French government) tell me and created this incredible produced "Hellfest from Home" edition in 2021 on their proper festival ground without spectators, despite the European Football Championship is allowed to take place with around 20.000 mask-wearing spectators.
This is a big "Chapeau" for Ben Barbaud and his crew and a big THANK YOU HELLFEST!!!!!
And to give the finger to each and every other festival or government, the 2022 edition will be the edition of the century, as you can read in the interview with Ben Barbaud.